
quoteCeramic and composite partial crown as a combination of individual composite body and a prefabricated table top. CombiCrowns are esthetic, minimal invasive and easy.

The combination of a prefabricated, pre-etched and silanated onlay made of ceramic with a core of composite allows a low-cost and aesthetic partial crown as a chairside restoration. The restoration can be also made with a prefabricated composite onlay. After cavity preparation, the tooth is filled with composite up to the proximal contacts. The goal is a flat horizontal surface at the height of the contact points. After controlling the removal of material with a try-in restoration, impressions are taken, while gingiva management is not required. Models are mounted in quick articulator. Now the prefabricated ceramic or composite onlay can be customized and afterwards bonded on the tooth, using a light-curing composite. Then the restoration is occlusal adapted and polished.
The prefabricated partial crown is acceptable in terms of aesthetics, patient acceptance, occlusal wear and ease of use. It is a good alternative for a single-visit, tooth coloured restoration.


minimal invasiv und ästhetisch

Die Kombination einer vorgefertigten Kaufläche aus Komposit oder Keramik mit einem Kernaufbau aus Komposit ermöglicht eine preiswerte, ästhetische und biokompatible Teilkrone und damit eine gute Alternative zur herkömmlichen Kronenversorgung. Das  Kauflächen-Veneer  kann vom Zahnarzt chairside oder im Eigenlabor angepasst werden. So ist die Behandlung in nur einer Sitzung möglich und ein Dentallabor muss nicht beauftragt werden.


BZB 5/2008
Stomatologie Wien 6/2008





Dr.Ch. Weissenberger

Bahnhofstraße 20A
D-85354 Freising